Young Living Distributor

Young Living Distributor

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Baby ear infections protocol

Earlier in the year I was introduced to EO's by a friend and I immediately started researching and found TONS of information. Since EO's are not FDA regulated, how do you know which one is the best? Now, I am not bashing any other oil companies, but I preferred not to join a multi-level marketing company (MLM), usually the oils are more expensive to cover the cost of paying all the tiers. Spark Naturals just seemed well, right so I order my Essential 4 Pack for $19.99 to get started.

A few months later my youngest son had his first ear infection, then second, third and fourth. Now I know this is common amongst kids, but I was tired of treating him with antibiotics over and over again. I was afraid that the resistance to antibiotics would continue to build and his immune system would ultimately weaken creating a vicious and damaging cycle.  I started out by making my son an appointment with Kruse Chiropractic, as he had treated me previously and discussed the benefits of children and chiropractic treatment. After a little adjustment to help the ears drain, he told me to put a little garlic and olive oil in his ear. Immediately, we saw a change in Ryker.

Next protocol was to use those EO's...3 drops of Lavender and 3 drops of oregano on a cotton ball and rubbed around the outside of the ear and down the neck (never place oils directly into the ear canal).

At his 12 month check up the doctor looked at his ears and said perfect, wow! You don't usually see a baby have that many ear infections and then just stop. We discussed what I was doing and needless to say, she did not agree.

I am a believer that it works, so you will have to check it out yourself .

Get 10% off today at "momsense".

Information provided in this blog is not conclusive and Wholy Momsense is not a licensed medical physician.

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