Young Living Distributor

Young Living Distributor

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2013 the big change!

What a crazy year this has been! I have been blessed far more than I deserve and I know God is not finished with me yet!!

Most people would call me crazy to give up a corporate job that had an unlimited financial potential to come home to my boys, but I learned money isn't everything, to me. I personally wanted to put my career on hold and focus on the blessings God gave me. With the love and support of my wonderful husband, I resigned in December 2013. No regrets,  no looking back.

Sometimes it is encouraging to read what others are struggling with or having success with, and I hope that my blog can do just that. Feel free to comment.  A little motherhood banter is always fun!

Bring on the challenges and blessings of 2014!

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