Young Living Distributor

Young Living Distributor

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Bedtime MOMents

From birth, we established a bedtime routine for our boys: bath, essential oils, Bible story, song, and prayer. Getting to bed on time was NEVER a problem around here! Sleeping throughout the night and/or early wake-ups might be an issue, but going to bed was not a problem until a couple of months ago. Our oldest, Maksym, now wants one of us to lie down with him so he will go to sleep; which can take up to an hour at times. He fights sleep until he cannot keep his eyes open any longer! I get so frustrated as I am thinking of the 1,000,000 things I need to be or could be doing while lying there. 

As I was lying there the other night I thought about how patient God is with me when I don't do something at the exact time he wants me to. Maybe it is because I am happy and content where I am at the moment, or I am too caught up in my day to day activities. But, he never gets upset with me and he holds me as long as I need him to; he is a loving and patient God. I realized I need to be more understanding and patient with Maksym. I need to savor these moments as much as possible as he will not always want me to lie with him before bed.  It is also the perfect time to not only reflect on myself, but to pray for him and with him.

1 Corinthians 13:4-8  
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.